Qualitative methodology
I specialize in qualitative research methodology. Most of my research departs from the constructivist paradigm, usually in combination with a critical gendered perspective, which is based on feminist theories. Many of these studies apply qualitative methodologies in order to deepen the understanding of experience and identity in the context of gender constructions, in situations of distress and social exclusion. In addition, I use qualitative methods as part of program development and evaluation research. For about three decades, I have been teaching qualitative research methods to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and mentoring research students in these approaches
Articles in refereed journals
Peled, E. & Spiro, S., (1998). Goal Focused Evaluation: Lessons from a study of a shelter for homeless youth. Evaluation, 4 (4), 455-468. https://doi.org/10.1177/13563899822208725
Peled, E. & Leichtentritt, R. (2002). The ethics of qualitative social work research? Qualitative Social Work, 1(2), 145-170. https://doi.org/10.1177/147332500200100203
Peled, E. (2010). Doing good in social work research: With or for participants? A commentary on: "The obligation to bring about good in social work research: A new perspective". Qualitative Social Work, 9 (1), 21-26. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1473325009355617
Prior, A., & Peled, E. (2021). Gendered power relations in women-to-men interviews on controversial sexual behavior. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(3), 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2021.1882193
Eliezer, K., & Peled, E. (2021). Intertextual Psychoanalytic-Intersubjective Analysis in Qualitative Research: "Can two walk together, except they be agreed ?" International Journal of Social Research Methodology. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2021.2011118
Leffel, S., Piler, S., & Peled, E. (2023). Migration decision-making process: Dialectic contradictions experienced by asylum-seeking women. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/17475759.2023.2260823