Children and youth at risk
Children and youth in situations of risk, marginalization and exclusion are often at the center of public and professional attention, yet too many of them do not receive adequate therapeutic and social services. The studies included here, which were done with students and co-researchers over decades, aim to shed light on the experiences of children and youth at risk and promote best-practice with them. We paid specific attention to a gendered perspective, which is critical to understanding their experience and intervening with them. The main populations we focused on were children exposed to domestic violence, homeless youth, girls at risk and youth who trade sex (referred to in the "sex trade" page)
Articles in refereed journals
Peled, E. & Edleson, J.L. (1992). Multiple perspectives on groupwork with children of battered women. Violence and Victims, 7, 327-346.
Peled, E. (1993). Children who witness women battering: Concerns and dilemmas in the construction of a social problem. Children and Youth Services Review, 15, 43-52.
Peled, E. (1997). The battered women's movement response to children of battered women: A critical analysis. Violence Against Women, 3, 424-446.
Peled, E. (1997). Intervention with children of battered women: A review of current literature. Children and Youth Services Review, 19, 277-299.
Peled, E. (1998). The experience of living with violence for preadolescent children of battered women. Youth and Society, 29, 395-430.
Peled, E., & Edleson, J.L. (1998). Predicting children’s domestic violence service participation and completion. Research on Social Work Practice, 8, 698-712.
Peled, E. & Spiro, S., (1998). Goal Focused Evaluation: Lessons from a study of a shelter for homeless youth. Evaluation, 4 (4), 455-468.
Peled, E., & Edleson, J.L. (1999) Barriers to children’s domestic violence counseling: A qualitative study. Families in Society, 88 (6), 578-586.
Peled, E., Spiro, S., & Dekel, R. (2002) Where do they go from here? Destinations of youth exiting a shelter. Children and Youth Service Review, 24 (4), 269-285.
Dekel, R. Peled, E., & Spiro, S. (2003). Shelters for housless youth: A follow-up evaluation. Journal of Adolescence, 26 (2), 201-212.
Peled E., Spiro S. E., & Dekel, R. (2005). My home is not my castle: Follow-up of residents of shelters for homeless youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 22 (3-4), 257-279.
Peled, E. & Muzicant, A. (2008). The meaning of home for runaway girls. Journal of Community Psychology. 36(4), 434-451.
Peled, E. & Cohavi A. (2009) The meaning of running away for girls. Child Abuse and Neglect, 33, 739-749.
Spiro, E.S., Dekel, R. & Peled, E.. (2009). Dimensions and correlates of client satisfaction: An evaluation of a shelter for runaway and homeless youth. Research on Social Work Practice. 19, 261-270.
Lachover, E., Preis, H., & Peled, E. (2019). From research on girls to girlhood studies: Exploring Israeli girlhood studies from an international and historical perspective. European Journal of Women Studies. 26(2), 132-144.
Peled, E., Lachover, E., & Preis, H. (2019). Constructions of girls’ bodies in Israeli academic literature: A critical scoping review. Journal of Gender Studies. 25(5), 531-544.
Piller, S, Gibly, J. & Peled, E. (2019). The value and rationale of gender-specific intervention with at-risk adolescent girls. Child and Family Social Work, 24, 69–76.
Peled, E., & Komem, M. (2020) “A girl’s place is in the home”: Spatial gendered scripts of girls who have left or been pushed out of home. Child and Family Social Work, 25(2), 240-247.
פלד, עינת, פרומר, דפנה ושפירו, שמעון. (1996). נוער חסר קורת גג בישראל: אפיונים של בני נוער שפנו ל"מקום אחר". חברה ורווחה, י"ז (1), 61-84 לינק
פינצי, ריקי, פלד עינת ורם, אנקה. (1998). השפעת גילוי עריות על האחרים העדים. חברה ורווחה, 18(2), 269-280. לינק
שפירו שמעון, דקל, רחל ופלד, עינת. (1999). הערכת מקלט לבני נוער חסרי קורת גג: אופני סיום שהות ויעדי עזיבה. עוברי חוק בישראל, 229-245. לינק
דקל, רחל, שפירו, שמעון ופלד עינת. (2016). ביתי הוא לא תמיד מבצרי: מעקב אחר אוכלוסית השוהים במקלטים לנוער חסר קורת גג. מגמות, 42 (2), 263-280. לינק
מוזיקנט, עמית ופלד, עינת. (2008). משמעות הבית בעיני נערות שברחו מביתן. חברה ורווחה, 28 (2) 103, 383-410. לינק
PhD theses, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University
קומם, מיכל. (2006). חיפוש וקבלת עזרה אצל נערות שברחו מהבית. לינק
Master theses, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University
כוכבי סמסליק, איילת (1995). נערות הבורחות מהבית. קישור
גובני-חגי, אהובה. (2002). "ריצת משוכות": איתור וגיוס משתתפים למחקר על השפעת גילוי עריות על האחאים. קישור
מוזיקנט, עמית. (2005). המשמעות של בית עבור נערות הבורחות מביתן. קישור
Gibly, Jess. (2015). What's in it for the girls? Staff members' perceptions of the value of gender-specific programming in Israel for girls in distress. Link